Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Global Destabilization on the cards - Navtej Kohli

Climate change likely to trigger global destabilization, report says!

Navtej Kohli brings his own analysis...

U.S. intelligence agencies presage illegal immigration, ethnic violence, humanitarian crises and national security issues during the next two decades, all thanks to Global Warming.

According to the recent report Global warming may instill a series of destabilizing effects all over world, causing aforesaid crisis.

Climatic fluctuations and rising global temperature could further rock the already fragile regimes around the world putting more national security challenges before United States.

Existing problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions are also speculated to worsen in the next 20 years.

The effects could be most harsh in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle Eastern and Central and Southeast Asian belt. Less rainfall and hot weather could halve the agricultural output in some regions of Africa, warns the report.

"We judge that economic refugees will perceive additional reasons to flee their homes because of harsher climates," Fingar said. "Many likely receiving nations will have neither the resources nor interest to host these climate migrants," who might be carriers of infectious diseases.

Overall, as many as 50 million additional people could be at risk of hunger by 2020, and as many as 1.2 billion people could suffer from water shortage.

Nevertheless, developed nations may fare better with an anticipated increase in agricultural production. But other problems like growing immigration pressures are likely to tighten its grip on US economy.

The report goes without global warming's latent effect on terrorism.

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