Thursday, February 16, 2012

2011 better than 2010 For Costa Rica: Navtej Kohli Reviews

Navtej kohli Reviews About Costa Rica Tourism Growth

Navtej kohli wonder about the figures while he looks out the last year tourism and travel in Costa Rica. It's a remarkable achievements for hotels which claims 2011 was the greatest year in the Costa Rica tour and travels. According to the news agencies of the Costa Rica year 2011 considered as the record-breaking year at the tour and travel point of view. The hotel industry of the Costa Rica make a substantial growth with the rise of 6.1 percent in December 2011 as compared to travel business of the Costa Rica in year December 2010. On a record basis hotel rooms was booked 62 percent on average, Which figures comes out after the Costa Rica Hotels and Resorts Association announcement. As per as record basis 2.2 million people visted Costa Rica places in year 2011 which is very substantial growth in comparison with last year. While the figure is considered 4.6 percent growth can be seen straight away but while taking the number or tourist under consideration 16,000 more people comes to visits as compared to last December figures.

Central Pacificclaim that 70 percent occupancy in their regions hotels, as well as Guanacaste and Puntarenas occupancy also touches 70 percent occupancy . Central Valley, Caribbean and Northern Plains reported lowest occupancy figure with 56 percent, 58 percent and 58 percent repespectively. Beach resorts while reported 67 percent occupancy.

Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport in Liberia, capital of northwestern Guanacaste province newly opened terminal was much busy this for serviing the travelers. Costa Rica Tourism Minister Allan Flores says “We are working diligently to attract more airlines to our country, position the destination at international fairs and trade shows and promoting our one-of-a-kind attractions in our core markets,”

Navtej Kohli Costa Rica

Navtej kohli blog also brings one of the more exciting news from the Costa Rica, After the annual meetings of bishops of Costa Rica make an appeal to all Costa Rica people for not to support legalization of abortion and in vitro fertilization and adopt laws that protect life. According to the news agency . On 10 Feb bishops slams the many proposal for abortion .

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