Before you proceed on reckoning the electricity prices and carbon emissions, you'll have to read the preface that says "Could you make the tough decisions needed to keep the UK's lights on in 2020, while balancing environmental concerns and cost? Try our electricity calculator to find out." In the calculator, you will be given choices through sliders where you need to freeze upon fuel options like more or less fossil, nuclear, renewable fuels? and your consumption demands to find out the potential impact on electricity prices and c-emissions.
Here is a snapshot of the electricity calculator that you can use to find out energy needs and its probably impact as a forcast.
In an another venture yesterday, Matt Presscots, E-Day (Energy Saving Day) went successful...It w'd be premature to say, I am waiting for the data to be posted on National Grid website. but yet again, many organizations from all sectors of society in United Kingdom have contributed to tackle climate change. They have been prepared to see what they can do to simplify potential solutions for the climate change.
This move will also help the National Grid, in a way that they would be able to monitor how much difference it makes to the consumpiton. A part of National Grid's job is to predict the demand for electricity and by comparing demand across the 24 hours of Energy saving day, they could be able to measure whether the initiative has made much difference. All in all, its a good way to raise awareness for energy saving.
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